Popular Conditions
Rotator Cuff
If you have any of the following complaints (see below), we call your condition a rotator cuff injury. The term simply refers to any injury that is connected to the rotator muscles of the shoulder. The rotator muscles of the shoulder are made up of a number of individual muscles (and ligaments) that all blend seamlessly together (ie muscles from in front, side, behind and above the shoulder). The blend of these muscles means they are all connected and therefore one injury can potentially upset another part of the shoulder and make healing more arduous.
Here are the commonest injuries of muscles and tissues of the rotator cuff: Supraspinatus, tendonitis, biceps tendonitis, painful arch syndrome, impingement syndrome, bursitis, subacromial bursa, infraspinatus, teres, subscapularis, pectoral, deltoid etc
*Pain in shoulder on specific movements (ie putting on coat, reaching forward, etc).
*worst pain when arm is at shoulder level
*Difficulty sleeping on injured side
*Often related to a trauma or injury (ie throwing or heavy lifting)