Popular Conditions
Neck / Shoulder Pain
Neck and shoulder pain often arises from periods of long sitting, ie a PC, car etc; or sometimes after a carrying, lifting, pulling etc. Anatomically the arms hang out from the neck. This means any work you do with your arms could potentially upset your neck; or if the neck has been injured in any way, it could cause a pain in the shoulder or the arm.
*Neck pain (Can lead to headache)
*Head feels too heavy for neck (your head feels too heavy – or your neck feels too weak – and you just want to lie down).
*Pain behind your shoulder
*It can hurt on turning your neck
*You cannot turn your neck fully
*It hurts to raise (or move) your arm
*Symptoms are worst by end of day and best during the day
*Sore in the morning, but not too bad.
*Feel like you want a hot water bottle on the muscle
*Can feel worse when you are sitting ie PC, Settee, Car etc
*Pain between shoulders or to one side